domingo, 8 de febrero de 2009



We are a ministry of the Mission Boulevard Baptist Church of Fayetteville, Arkansas, USA. Since 1992 we have promoted the study of the Sacred Scriptures, in all of Latin America, with the desire that many might come to know the God of the Bible, the Truth that sets men free.
The I.E.C. works from Panama as a non profit, officially recognized non governmental organization, staffed by men and women committed to the Gospel, and to the Latin American people.


•To live in a society that is transformed by the Gospel message, enjoying an environment of peace and liberty, in which the Bible is our manual of values and principles. I Tim.2:2
•I Timothy 2:4, “…Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.”


•Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen Matthew 28:19-20
•To offer to everyone who will, the opportunity to know the truth, our Lord Jesus Christ; have salvation and the abundant life, through the preaching of the Word of God by every legitimate means; offering Bible studies for every level; bringing information, orientation and education to everyone with an attitude of service.

Cursos bíblicos por

El IEC de Panamá sigue ofreciendo a miles de personas, una serie de 16 cursos bíblicos por correspondencia de manera gratuita.
Ya son miles de personas quienes han sido bendecidas con el estudio de la Biblia, los cuales han encontrado la paz interna que tanto necesitaban y un propósito por el cual vivir.
Solítalos a

For years we have distributed Christian literature throughout the country. Tracts, correspondence courses, doctrinal booklets, along with Bibles and New Testaments continue to reach thousands of people even in the most remote areas.
We have distribution points in several provinces.

Programas de Radio.

Con el apoyo de Iglesias Bautistas Independientes de Panamá y Los Estados Unidos, el IEC mantiene al aire el programa radial Caminando con Dios, desde el 7 de febrero de 1999.
Este programa producido por el Misionero Cristobal Yañez ha sido transmitido diariamente en más de 13 estaciones de radio en Panamá, llegando a miles de personas en todo el territorio nacional. La programación incluye: segmentos como, saludando al oyente, la lectura bíblica, música especial, enseñanzas bíblicas, respondiendo a nuestra audiencia y testimonios.

Our program “Caminando con Dios” (Walking with God), produced and directed by Bro. Cristóbal Yáñez, has been broadcast on more than a dozen stations in different provinces since 1999.
Thousands have called in asking for the materials freely offered on the program.


El Señor muy bueno y misericordioso con nosotros nos ha permitido tener un pequeño taller de imprenta en donde producimos folletos, tratados y los cursos bíblicos que ofrecemos de manera gratuita.
Es increible como Dios a través de sus Iglesias e individuos provee lo necesario para mantenerla funcionando cada mes y asi producir la cantidad necesaria según la demanda.
Las máquinas fueron compradas con el apoyo generoso de hermanos de nuestra Iglesia. (Mission Boulevard Baptist Church.

With God’s provision and the help of several brethren, we print tracts and our correspondence school booklets in our small shop.

We also produce the series “Learn with Jesus“, a textbook for the public schools, and other materials as part of our nascent publishing house, “Editorial I.E.C”.


Una librería con materiales bíblicos, con sana doctrina y con un personal idoneo, capacitado para esta labor.
Tiene 2 sucursales:
Santiago--- 507- 998-3720
Penonomé -- 507- 908-5960 / 908-5020

As part of our program of Christian education we opened the Genesis Christian Bookstore. There is a need for good Bible material that teach sound doctrine, and at affordable prices. We operate the bookstore as a ministry, not primarily as a business. We are the official distributors of the Editorial Bautista Independiente.